
Tuesday, April 24, 2012

Meet Rachel from Along the Way with Rae!

I'm really excited to share with y'all about an upcoming gift swap
celebrating spring and helping to create new friendships!

It is so much fun to get mail,
(especially mail that's not bills or credit card applications!)

so Erin at Sweetness Itself and L at All Glorious Within are hosting a Spring Fling blogging gift swap. They've paired up 100 bloggers to send each other a pair of flip flops and other goodies and encouragement! Doesn't that sound awesome? I've had a lot of fun shopping for my gift package!

My awesome partner is Rachel at Along the Way with Rae. She is such a sweetheart! She loves the Lord with all her heart and frequently writes about her faith. She is also intentional about being active and living a healthy lifestyle. She plays college volleyball and has began running. (I definitely need to take a note from her book. I'm eating a muffin right now.)

Check her out and send her some love!

My name is Rachel, and I blog over at Along The Way With RaeMy parents call me "Rae" all the time and I love that nickname, but no one else calls me that, so hence my use of "Rae" in my blog name :) I am a 20-something, college student, new to the blogging world. I've had my blog for about 3 months now, and I must say that I LOVE BLOGGING and all of the wonderful bloggers out there. Blogging is my outlet. It's my way to express myself and get my thoughts out there. I am a Christian gal, and God is, and always will be at the center of my life and at the core of my blog. I love being encouraged by other Christian bloggers and wanted to do the same! You will also find the musings and randoms of my every day life and experiences, fitness tips, wedding inspiration {I'm not engaged or married, but I LOVE weddings!}, style inspiration, or anything else that may be on my mind or heart. Now come on over and say hi, I love meeting new people, and it would make my day if you were one of them! :) 

You can also connect with me on:

Twitter: @rachlarz


  1. I came across your blog via Rachel this morning and I love it! Can't wait to follow more!

    Your newest follower, Stephanie Q.

  2. awww yay!! I love both you ladies =)
    Glad you guys got to be partners =)
    Much Love,

  3. Awww yayyyyy!! I am so happy you signed up and so excited you girls are partners :) Love you both!

    Hugs to you friend.

  4. ps - i am LOVING your new header... it's like a tiny little kitchen aid mixer!!! sooo cute. ;)
